Waverly Blog #1

The first volume of Waverly introduced us to many characters and adventures of Waverly himself. The main character introductions surround the different women in Waverly’s life. Some of these women include Stubbs, Rose, and Flora. Upon the first introductions it is obvious that the names describe the characters. Stubbs is the first love interest introduced. She is introduced as “By far the most passable was Miss Sissly, or, as she rather chose to be called. Miss Caecilia Stubbs, daughter of Squire Stubbs at the Grange,” (Scott 21). She is described as merely passable and her nickname “Stubbs” implies she is nothing special in comparison to his other interests we meet farther on. Next, we are introduced to Rose who has an entire chapter dedicated to her introduction. She is said to “deserve better of her unworthy historian, than to be introduced at the end of a chapter,” (Scott 44). Scott described Rose in such a way that she signifies what her name symbolizes. A rose ...